
Jean Seevaraj is passionate about reaching people through the love of God. He sees the Lord in all aspects of life and conveys his deep faith through sermons, classes and actions. Jean graduated Bible College in 1995. His passion for Scripture is unmistakable and conveyed through every activity that he undertakes. Importantly, he tries to live this out in his every day life. Join us to discover the full meaning of the Lord's words and how they can enrich your life. 
Join us


Faith is the cornerstone of our church. It is part of every activity that we do, every meeting that we hold. We believe in our Lord and that our actions are a reflection of his goodness. 


We look to the Lord for guidance in our lives. In Scripture, we find all that we need to guide us along the right path. Reading and understanding Scripture helps us all live meaningful lives. 


Join us. We welcome each and every one of you to encounter the Lord's unconditional love with us. Inside each of us is a purpose and meaning to be fulfilled by God. 

What kind of church do we envision?

- A local church where Christ is central and the community is at the heart.
- A place where people can discover the person of Christ.
- A place where there is a strong emphasis on the Bible.
- A place where people can find belonging, and community, where our relationships together are as important as what we do together.
- A place where discipleship is key to Christian growth.
- A place where people are trained, equipped and released for ministry.
What is our focus over the next few months?
- Gathering a group of like minded people together for prayer, bible study, social gatherings for the whole family (bowling nights, bbq, hikes etc.)
These are some easy ways you can support us - Pray, Join, Give!
- Pray for us
- Like and share our facebook page & posts and help us spread the word
- Come and join in on some or all of our events - you're more than welcome.


Children's Ministry

The Gospel has a message for everyone, of every age and in every language. Exposing your child to the Lord's path when they are young gives them guidance, hope and strength that lasts a lifetime. Our children are a vital part of everything we do. Ministry to the kids happens at all our meetings, either together with the grown-ups or separate.

Our Team

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